"The city of Washington was built on a stagnant swamp some 200 years ago and very little has changed; it stank then and it stinks now.

Only today, it is the fetid stench of corruption that hangs in the air!"

Lisa Simpson's "Cesspool on the Potomac" (Sep. 26, 1991)

Friday, December 12, 2008


"I inhaled frequently. That was the point."
--Barack Obama, Nov. 2006

IF the Green Revolution is truly upon us, then nothing short of full decriminalization AND rationally implemented legalization of cannabis must be central to the "change we seek." Now is the time to begin a massive campaign geared towards pressuring (gently or more forcefully) President Obama and his minions to move beyond the insane folly of America's "controlled substances" policies--the tragedy of which is exemplified by a longstanding federal anti-marijuana bias that harms far more people than the outlawed plant itself ever has in its centuries of existence. Indeed, cannabis has numerous proven benefits, from its use as medicine for chronically ill patients to sustainable industrial/agricultural product, not to mention as a globally popular recreational drug used widely as a non-toxic alternative to alcohol as well as a mild (sacramental) psychoactive agent.

For reasons neither completely known nor relevant, 4:20 as a time and 4/20 as a date have become known internationally as symbols of cannabis culture, the latter marking a recognized annual day of celebration. Yet, April 20 is at this point an apolitical event that may in balance harm more than help the serious and important work of cannabis advocacy. All of this much change. April 20, 2009 ought to be a day when people of conscience across the world come together to call for an end to the "War on Drugs" by echoing the reggae prophet Peter Tosh's simple yet profound demand: "Legalize it!"

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