Proving yet again that the mainstream Israeli media is more critical than its counterpart in the United States,
Gideon Levy's post "And there lie the bodies" on Haaretz.com warns:
Nobody is coming to the rescue - of Gaza or even of the remnants of humanity and Israeli democracy. The statesmen, the jurists, the poets, the authors, academe, and the news media - pitch black over the abyss. When the time comes for reckoning, we will need to remember the damage this war did to Israel.
Yet while such small pleas for sanity emerge from among elite Israeli journalists, Editor & Publisher's
Greg Mitchell comments on the lack of balance in the New York Times and US media generally. Dissent against Israel's renewed war in Gaza continues growing in Arab countries, across Europe, and now the US as well. Yet the mainstream US media's extreme pro-Israel bias rolls on regardless of how many dead bodies lie in the streets of Gaza (now over 500) or how much opposition to Israeli aggression manifests in the streets of New York, London, Cairo, etc. The reasons for this are many; the end result is tragic.
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